Tuesday, December 3, 2024 2pm to 3pm
About the Event
100 NW Quad, University of California Davis, Davis CA 95616
This talk is hosted by UC Davis' new Center for Artificial Intelligence and Experimental Futures.
In this talk, Holden Karau will share her experiences building Fight Health Insurance (https://www.fighthealthinsurance.com), how it was built (https://github.com/orgs/totallylegitco/repositories), the motivations behind it (the American healthcare system is broken) and its (early) impact. You'll learn about how we can use computers for good and some of the limits we face (namely, AI will not fix everything, but we can stop some of the bleeding for now).
Some of the content will include mentions of surgery, broken bones, fax machines, and being a trans immigrant in America - please prioritize your emotional well-being. If these topics sound like too much, but you're still interested in learning more, come and join the workshop that happens after where we'll be even more focused on the technology (although mentions of health insurance are understandably unavoidable).
A workshop on Contributing to Open-Source AI Tools with a focus on Flight Health Insurance (Developers and Non-Developers welcome!) immediately follows the talk. If you plan to attend the workshop, please register here (walkons also welcome).