Friday, December 13, 2024 9am to 12:50pm

Hosted by DataLab

100 NW Quad, University of California Davis, Davis CA 95616

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This two-day workshop provides an introduction to using the R programming language for reproducible data analysis and scientific computing.

Topics covered include programming basics, how to work with tabular data, how to break down programming problems, how to organize code for clarity and reproducibility, and best practices for data, code and software management.


Material builds across sessions and learners should attend both days. Registering for the first day secures your spot for both days; you do not need to register twice.


After this workshop learners will be able to:

- Navigate the RStudio interface;

- Load tabular data sets into R;

- Compute simple data summaries;

- Generate simple data visualizations with ggplot;

- Perform common data-tidying tasks;

- Write reusable functions,

- Identify where to go to learn more!



All UC Davis graduate students and postdocs are eligible to enroll. Learners are expected to have taken DataLab's Introduction to the Unix Command Line workshop, which is being offered on 12/11/2024 (separate registration required). No prior R coding experience is necessary.

All participants will need to bring a computer with internet access. Before the workshop, learners should install the latest versions of the R and RStudio software. Download R for free from <>;. After installing R, download RStudio Desktop (Open-Source Edition) for free from <>.

If you need help troubleshooting your installations, come to Office Hours in advance of the workshop.


Can't make it to this training? Check out our workshop schedule. Materials from prior workshops are available on DataLab's website.


Questions? Email